She phoned me later in a bit of a state as she’d left the dog hair in a bucket in the garage, and it had started to decompose. I told her to send me what she could and I’d do my best with it. The collie had been black and white - the fur had turned brown! I washed it and dried it well to stop the rot. It wasn’t in very good condition at all, very fragile, though still had some white visible.
I decided to make punis and use my charkha - i.e., treat it like short fibre. It was hard work and I would spin a few feet and ply it almost immediately. I could see some of it turning to dust as I spun it. The yarn would drift apart in places.
I knew she wouldn’t be able to knit anything much from this - so I decided to knit her a small heart with what I could salvage and pad the heart with the rest of the fur. I used alpaca to make a cord with a lucet, to hang the heart from as I didn't think the pet fur would be strong enough. I’m pleased with the result and I hope Eve will be too.
When I phoned to update her, a friend answered the phone - Eve’s sister had just died (I mean JUST - like half an hour before I called!). I’m sending her the heart in the hope that it will be of some small comfort.
Spinning NORMAL dog’s hair will be a doddle after this experience!