Ultimately I would like to cycle to Australia to see my sister. But I have to wait for the dog to shuffle off this mortal coil first (and he's looking very hale and hearty at 13yrs of age). So this was a practice run to see if I'd like the lifestyle, test the equipment (that included me!) - and take Syd with me (that's the dog). I also wanted to see if Ravelry would come up trumps - since I'd like to circumnavigate the world via Ravelry, knitting, spinning, writing my way round the world. I'm pleased to say that Ravelry DID work: Thanks to snowdropmoon/Ruth in Barnstaple who let me stay and fed and watered me.
I've finally got round to journalling it on that awe-inspiring site Crazy Guy on a Bike - see here for the full story and lots and lots of pics.
I'll get round to writing up my report on Shetland Wool Week another day.