We plod on through the sub tropical jungle and see plenty of monkeys along the way. I NEVER thought I could think of monkeys as ‘common’! These ones has black masks like robbers, and bound along like they have springs for limbs. They had extra long prehensile tails too. We also saw some large, weaselly creature crossing the road a few metres away from us.
A ferry costs all of 50 rupees for the two of us, plus both bicycles. A guy holds on to Rowenna all the way across, which is kind. It’s great chatting away to an Irishman – especially one as easy going as Darren. I feel like I’ve known him much longer than just yesterday.
We arrive in Guhager at 4pm. We decide to stay in some nice cabins with a touch of luxury for 1300 rupees. No wifi though L