Climbing the big hill, I pause for breath every now and then and stand still – watching for movement. Sometimes there is just a leaf caught in a thread of web spinning in the sunlight. Sometimes heavy duty butterflies – looking too bulky to fly – sometimes a flash of bird. I saw a gecko trying to hide from me on the stem of a climbing plant. I saw yet another HUGE spider in the centre of the enormous orb web hung between two trees high up. I see lots of funnel type webs in the scrub and am tempted to poke them gently with a stick to see what emerges.
There’s a very steep hill before the downhill to Agonda. I push up and up but enjoy the downhill thoroughly. Trevor’s instructions are clear: from Betul (not Betelgeuse!) over the big bridge than immediately right over the little bridge and along the dirt track. Past lots of campsites and holiday places to Sara’s cottages. And there it is! With Trevor snoozing in his mosquito net draped bed. I’ve made it! Arrived a couple of hours later than I’d planned, but hey! It’s still daylight!
I have been allocated the room next door to Trevor’s, in the same little bungalow. It has a double bed with four posts to hold the mossie netting up, a kitchen/bathroom – Trevor has set his kitchen up for the duration and he has a fridge and also negotiated a gas cylinder to power a small stove to cook on. He also has a water vat, a kettle, all mod cons! For some reason, he thinks I’m a clean living sort who doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t swear – well, we soon disabused him of THAT notion!
The beach is vast and close by. It’s a protected ‘sea-turtle zone’. So – no hotels, no permanent building on the beach itself, no powered boats, jet-skis or watersports and the beach cabins and cafes are all temporary, for this 6 month holiday period only. WE eat out at a great beach front place called ‘Madhu’ and watch yet another magnificent sunset – an orange-red ball disappearing into the haze near the horizon – and then the early full moon glints off the waves as they froth up and wash into the wet sand – I am here in Goa!
NB Trevor is “Max” here in Goa, which is very confusing.