In another incidence of things falling into place in the right way - I was considering having my leaving bash down the pub on April Fool's Day (which seemed apt). Not long atter this thought crossed my noddle. my neighbour Sara approached me with a proposal - she hasn't hosted a party in a while, how about we have my leaving do in her garden (with it's amazing green oak studio to shelter in if the weather is true to form). Fabulous! So there's an open invite to my leaving do on April Fool's day.
All of a sudden the trip starts to look like it's really going to happen. Another friend Poppy said I would probably find all sorts of reasons not to go, over the next few months - and that's started to happen. Young friend's first baby due June, another young friend (who I watched grow up with my son) is getting married in August. But these things will always happen. Life won't stop while I'm away.
The wonderful, the stimulating, the creative knitting club at Ruth Knowles' house for example... What a fabulous group of women come together! Conversation last Wednesday ranged from waxing upper lips (ooo the pain!) to shaving legs and murder and how fast technology is changing the way we all relate. (Well I can see the connections). This group has been getting together for just about three years (really?!) and I love it and shall miss it terribly when I go away though I'm sure it will grow and change and flourish whilst I'm gone (as all things must and will).
To change the subject from maudlin' , I have begun cultivating a daily drawing habit - in a bid to get into shape for the recording of the bicycle tour. Today is the 8th January and here are the first several drawings for this year, some good, some bad and some indifferent - practise makes perfect!