I’ve been reading The Rough Guide to ‘First Time Around the World’ - aimed at the new graduate doing a gap year, but full of excellent advice ranging from listing the climate in different parts (avoid monsoons/typhoons/tsunamis and earthquakes if at all possible) to how to handle the money (I’m going to try and not use my ‘card from hell’ from my usual bank and have ordered the Halifax Clarity credit card and got a new current account with Northhampton and Peterborough Building Society).
I have bought a ‘anti-diarrhoea’ kit (loperamide, b/s antibiotics and rehydration sachets) and anti malarials - the latter of which I won’t need until I get to Laos.
Daily Draw 65 DH finds very amusing as it sums up the tra la la attitude I am currently entertaining - Terri cycling effortlessly to Willy wonka chocolate land (even the dog with sharp teeth looks friendly!) past button trees with fruit ripe for picking…!